From Source To Source

Mary Cain

Yoga and Meditation

Transformational Neuromuscular Massage

Aquatic Bodywork

Personal Reorientation

Yoga Teacher Training and Mentorship

Mary excels at designing yoga practices and bodywork personalized for her clients' specific needs. Encouraging well-being and expansion of personal potential is the heart of

From Source To Source.

"The body and mind are totally intertwined; both are nurtured and held together by the power of the breath. Because nature has established an indestructible relationship between breath, body and mind, the purification and transformation of the mind inevitably involves discipines pertaining to the body and breath" Page 160 "The Practice of the Yoga Sutras" by Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, PHD.

This is just a glimpse of the beauty in Tigunait's masterful book on the Sutras explaining why yoga has become such a balm for many in the west. No fancy postures required just simple movements channeling the breath and we are gracefully calmed and transformed.

You can order a copy here

You can order a copy here